JACKSON, Wyo. — The Town of Jackson (TOJ) is reminding the public that it has separate and distinct codes and regulations about various items, though it is located within Teton County.

This includes rules about strings of lights during the winter months, which are permitted to be up and on in the Town from Nov. 1 through April 15. Outside of those dates, strands of lights are prohibited from being on, but they do not need to be taken down. 

The Town of Jackson highlighted in bold. Photo: Google Maps

Related rules appear in the Town’s Land Development Regulations (LDRs) Section 5.3.1.C.3, which note that certain types of lights (flickering, flashing and search lights), are prohibited at all times, but specific language about light strands appears as follows in the Town’s LDRs. 

“Strings of Lights. Strings or strands of lights used to highlight a sign, perimeter of a sign, or any portion of a building are not permitted, except for holiday-type decorative lighting displayed between November 1 and April 15.” 

The Town of Jackson is sharing this information to clarify differences in regulations regarding lighting between the Town and the County. Buildings, businesses and residences were required to turn their outdoor lighting off by Tuesday, Jan. 10.  

“Though close collaborators, our two jurisdictions do, at times, have different rules and regulations,” said TOJ. “We plan to continue to work to improve and clarify information about both entities.”