JACKSON, Wyo. — Team World Domination held onto their first place position in this week’s Pica Margarita Cup race.

The team scored 69 points, bringing their total score up to 143. Buckrail Newsies scored 64 points for a total of 136. Bronc Collective held strong to third place, scoring 68 points for a season total of 128.

Marg cup races are very serious business. No room for fun. Photo courtesy Ashley Babcock

Seppi Stiegler, Brendan Levine, and Ryan Walters, respectively, pulled off individual wins. Among women, Buckrail Newsie Ashley Babcock is in first, followed by Brittney Ziebel and Lauren Roux.

Marg Cup Drop-In Rate:
Bring your friends to Marg Cup! One-time drop-in rate is $15. Everyone welcome to race. Drop-in includes entry into the weekly raffle.

Racer Tickets:
Reminder Snow King Mountain will be offering $30 racer tickets for Marg Cuppers at Summit Lift ticket window.