Photo: Shannon Corsi

A message from Paul Vogelheim for House District 23:

JACKSON, Wyo. — Because of your hard work and financial support, we have a chance to win House District 23. Funded by hundreds of individual donations, we continue to champion the needs of the people. 

36% increase in property taxes in one year!

This is unacceptable.

From the start of my campaign Capping the Tax has been a priority because this is a crisis for working families. When we are experiencing a crisis, all solutions that provide relief for families are on the table. That’s what a collaborative, consensus-building leader brings to the table. I am working with current Wyoming legislators to get a bill introduced in January to stop the madness. 

Rapid increases in residential housing valuations have doubled and tripled our property taxes. This is a crisis. Many families, especially senior citizens, families on fixed incomes, and renters are considering selling their homes or leaving the valley because they can no longer afford to live here.

I will get into the details with my fellow legislators. I won’t label someone dumb or wrong before I have a chance to hear their idea, and their solutions. 

Send a proven leader to Cheyenne. We need every single person to vote in this election for me to win House District 23. Your support over these last few months is inspiring. 

I am personally asking each of you to email, call, or text 5 people and let them know why you support me.  

If you care about working families and the people who make Jackson Hole home, vote for me, Paul Vogelheim, November 8th.