JACKSON, Wyo. — The world’s largest annual auction of elk antlers returns Saturday to Jackson’s Town Square for the 55th year.

Elkfest private antler sales will be on Town Square from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday, May 20. The Boy Scouts Elk Antler Auction will begin at 10 a.m.

All antlers sold at the auction are naturally shed on the National Elk Refuge.

The auction benefits Boy Scout programs in western Wyoming along with the National Elk Refuge.

The scouts retain 25% of the sale’s proceeds, which is used to supplement fees for day camps, leader and Scout training and other activities. The remaining 75% is returned to the National Elk Refuge for habitat enhancement projects, including paying for farming equipment, weed management and seasonal employees that operate the Refuge’s irrigation program.

The public can view a full list of ElkFest Weekend events on the Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce website here.