JACKSON, Wyo. — Summer in the Tetons brings an abundance of active wildlife, including black and grizzly bears, in and around Grand Teton National Park (GTNP).

After an early season grizzly attack in Grand Teton National Park, the park service reminds visitors to practice caution while hiking and to expect the possibility of encountering a bear.

When exploring the backcountry, be alert and aware of surroundings, make noise, keep bear spray readily accessible and hike in groups of three or more. In the event of a bear encounter, do not run, back away slowly.

When viewing wildlife, GTNP requires all visitors to stay a minimum distance of at least 100 yards or 300 feet from bears and wolves and 25 yards or 75 feet from all other wildlife.

Sub-Adult Grizzly crosses between cars in Grand Teton National Park. Photo: Nick Sulzer // Buckrail

The park suggests hikers stay in groups and avoid hiking early in the morning, late in the day or after dark. Grizzlies and black bears often use hiking trails within the park to travel and feed.

Research from the Washington State University Bear Research, Education and Conservation Center shows that grizzly bears prefer, when possible, the path of least resistance. The same can be said of human bodies, which is why bears often use trails built for people.

On park roads and all roads in Teton County, follow the speed limit and look out for wildlife on the sides of the roads, especially at dusk and dawn. Bears could be feeding near roads on berry bushes or on road-killed carcasses.

Here are a few tips from GTNP to avoid dangerous encounters.

Secure attractants:

Storing attractants in bear-proof trash cans and containers can mean life or death for a black or grizzly bear.

According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), data and experience have demonstrated that bears who have learned to associate people with a food source often repeat the behavior. Young bears have a higher potential to become increasingly emboldened in seeking out foods in and around human development, especially if they have learned to acquire food there in the past.

A black bear sniffing around a bear-proof garbage can. Structures like these prevent bears from obtaining human food. Photo: NPS

“When this food-conditioned behavior occurs, management options for bear and human safety become limited,” says USFWS.

When camping, keep all odorous items in bear-resistant food lockers or in a hard-sided vehicle with doors locked and windows closed, day and night. Items include food, drinks, garbage, toiletries, clean and dirty cookware, stoves, grills, coolers, empty or full food containers and pet food and bowls.

Carry bear spray:

The National Park Service recommends that park visitors carry bear spray in all areas of Yellowstone National Park and GTNP.

“Bear spray has proven to be an effective, non-lethal, bear deterrent capable of stopping aggressive behavior in bears,” the park service says. “Bear spray should be used on aggressive or charging bears.”

The park reminds backcountry travelers to be alert, aware of the surrounding area and carry bear spray. Photo: Diane Renkin // NPS

Remember bear spray is not a repellant. Do not spray people, tents or backpacks.

Tips for managing a bear encounter:

Encountering a bear does not mean the bear is aggressive or going to attack.

  • Do not run. Bears can easily outrun any human. Running may elicit attacks from non-aggressive bears.
  • If the bear is unaware of a human presence, detour quickly and quietly.
  • If the bear is aware but has not acted aggressively, back slowly away while talking in an even tone or not at all.
  • Use peripheral vision. Bears could interpret direct eye contact as threatening.
  • Do not drop a pack — this teaches bears how to obtain human food. A pack can also protect the body in the case of an attack.
  • Do not climb trees — all black bears and some grizzly bears can also climb trees.

According to the park, the vast majority of bear attacks have occurred when people surprise a bear. In this situation, the bear could attack as a defensive maneuver. The bear might be protecting young or defending a carcass.

How to respond if a bear charges:

Swaying their heads, clacking their teeth, lowering their head and laying back their ears are all signs of aggression.

  • Do not run. Some bears will bluff their way out of a threatening situation by charging, then veering off or stopping suddenly.
  • Bear experts generally recommend standing still until the bear stops and then slowly backing away
  • Use bear spray! A bear needs to be at close range, at least 20 to 30 feet away or closer, for bear spray to be effective. When deploying bear spray, give a one-to-two second blast, and aim slightly downward in front of the bear’s head. Remember, there is only about seven-to-nine seconds worth of spray in a can. Make sure to check the expiration date on a bear spray canister before heading into the backcountry.
  • If the bear makes contact, drop to the ground and lie flat on stomach with legs spread apart slightly and play dead. Cover the back of neck with hands, and keep pack on to protect the back. Do not move until certain that the bear has left the vicinity.

Buckrail posts this story annually.